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Magnificent metal sculpture, by Dennis Goodson
Most of you know Dennis Goodson from just his air cleaners. What most don't realize is that Dennis is an extremely skilled metal artisan. Dennis' ironwork, copperwork, and brasswork, and many sculptures grace some pretty high end private residences ( including former Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell), and several Las Vegas, Laughlin, and Colorado Casinos in the form of chandeliers, railings, signage hangers, and sculptures.
This eagle sculpture graces the cornice of David Uhl's new Golden, CO. art studio/gallery. David Uhl in his own right is an extremely talented artist, you'll recognize his work from the centerfolds of IronWorks magazine, and many H-D officially authorized paintings, and prints. David commissioned Dennis to do the sculpture, and Dennis was able to complete the work, and install the eagle the day before the grand opening.
I took these shots of Dennis' eagle during David's grand opening reception last Fri. evening. It's located on top of the 2nd floor, right above David's studio space. Dennis Goodson made the entire eagle for from 16ga stainless steel sheet, all hand cut, and hand hammered into the final shape you see here.
The eagle itself is a "replica" of the eagles that adorn the top of the Chrysler Bldg. in Chicago. Dennis did the entire eagle from photographs, no blueprint! The head measures a little more than 5 feet long, and about 3 feet at it's mounting point. The wingspan is a little over 20 feet long. Incredible! Click the picture for a good overall view.
Another closer view. I saw this eagle from almost the beginning of its construction, and there have to be at least 70 individual hand-formed pieces in this sculpture. I'm humbled at the skill and craftsmanship. Make sure to click on the picture.
Click on the picture for a extremely good closeup of the intricate details in this figure. Make sure to note the hand-hammered textured finish, the hand-bucked rivit fasteners, and the just awsome artistry of this figure. Dennis spent months of untold hours to create every piece in this work. How many people are capable of doing this type of work nowadays? Not very many!
Damn... all I have is a vinyl rain gutter from the Home Depot.
Put a Liberator fairing up there!
No Liberators, but I have a Bat Wing fairing.
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