Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011
I get a lot of "new product" Emails......
Most of the time I just delete them, but I thought maybe some of you would like to jump on this new helmet before they're all instantly sold out. It's the SKULL DIABLO, but in my excitement, I don't remember the manufacturer. It'll probably be in the new issue of The Horse, though......
Friday, April 8, 2011
I know, I know.....

I'll post photos of the completed bike before I load it up to take it out to Wade in Flagstaff next Thursday. After I drop it off there, Friday it's on to L.A. to pick up a basket case '79 Shovel, that'll supply me with the engine for my Invited Builders Bike for Born Free III. The basket has a solid 96" stroker with a Morris M5 magneto, and a lot of parts to sell off once I get back here, including a titled '79 swingarm frame, a drum glide front end, and a Kraft Tech stock dimension rigid frame with a good MSO.
I'll be making my home base at T-rod's place in Costa Mesa while I'm out there. Can't wait to see the sidehack in person! On Saturday the 16th, I'll also be hitting Kutty's Hippy Killer Hoedown in Winchester for the day, so if you see me there, come up and say hello!