It's a great book - everything from football, billiards, barbecuing, drinking, fireworks, B-17's, pinups, and even Von Dutch and the 100 top manly movies of all time, to just touch on a few of the chapters, which are all vividly illustrated. Have you ever seen a pickup-mounted potato cannon?? It's out of print, but Alibris and Amazon have it, but it's cheaper if you can find it in a used bookstore - and you should! Find it, buy it, and enjoy it.
The very first chapter in the book is What Guys Know - A Bombastic Manifesto. One of the sections in this chapter is "What Guys Know About Fighting", and it goes like this:
"A man will encounter from time to time a brother who isn't just asking, but begging, indeed, crying out to have his ass kicked. It is your honor bound duty to accommodate him, and at any given moment that brother may be you or me."