......have a swingarm bike, and they bring the frame to me to have it hardtailed ? Well, Tommy's bringing me one of his bikes that has an aftermarket hardtail frame, and he wants me to splice this swingarm section into it.
I took this OEM rear section to the blaster today.......never throw anything away, right? This should be interesting for you to follow along on.

Thats funny, i just goose necked a sportster frame and had to put the swing arm on it. As i was doing it i thought to myself i haven't put a swing arm back on to a frame in 10 years
I just recently scrapped a bunch of swingarm sections figuring who is gonna want these things?? Go figure!
I scrap the sections that I cut to hardtail frames, but I saved this section because it was pretty complete. It was given to me....I don't know how long ago!
I think at one time it was a wrecked bike/ H-D replacement frame deal on this one. I had several s/a sections like this at one time. I was going to do a Ness "hardhead"-style re-tube on this, but never got around to it.
That guy is smart.
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