1. A complete change of form, structure, or substance, as transformation by magic or witchcraft.
2. Any complete change in appearance, character, circumstances, etc.

You should see it with the Evo in it...... fits like a glove. Quite the difference. A 2" over repop springer, 5 gal. fatbob tanks, upswept fishtails, and a med. height sissy bar are on the build list.........trad Fatbob-style road bikes never go out of style!
Rich, Well done. I love to see people make jewels from junk.
Looks great Rich. How is your bike coming along?
bravo! That frame was a real turd, and now its a jewel. I'm not surprised, its just as I would have expected!
I'm thinking of cleaning up the front of my frame similarly... What are you planning for a top motor mount?
keep us updated!
Wow... Rich that's beautiful. I'm thinking the TC would be a much better fit for Deb! What do you think the odds are for selling her that idea?!
Chris - Some things you can work with, some you can't. This had potential, and thanks for the kind words.
Michael - I'm sorry I didn't see you at BF3, but I may be out for David Mann again. My bike is coming along fine, but I'm not letting the cat out of the bag. The goal is to bring it out for the EZ show, and the GNRS for it's first outings.
Kevin - You and I go back a long ways, and you know how much respect I have for your work, so your comment is most appreciated.
Brandon - Nothing real fancy. I still have the top mount on the old frame backbone, I'll trim it down some, and use it. I'll make a mount from the engine to the frame to match up.
Wade, I think we have 2 chances of selling Deb on that TC idea:
1. Slim
2. None
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