You know, I've been riding for just over 42 years, and I can remember putting a bandanna over my face twice - once when I was in Arizona, and a pretty good sandstorm came up, and another time in Montana late in the Summer, when the temperature dropped, and the rainstorm I was riding thru started to turn into little ice pellets that were cutting into my face like little knives. That's it.
I've never understood the need for guys to ride around when it's 95 degrees out with a bandanna or a face mask on. I do understand why a 1%er would find the need to conceal his identity at a major event if he's riding, because sometimes people are where they aren't supposed to be, but that's the only exception I can think of. But, maybe I'm just not hip to what's going on otherwise. Let's look at some examples of what I found out there for "hip" facewear......
I've never understood the need for guys to ride around when it's 95 degrees out with a bandanna or a face mask on. I do understand why a 1%er would find the need to conceal his identity at a major event if he's riding, because sometimes people are where they aren't supposed to be, but that's the only exception I can think of. But, maybe I'm just not hip to what's going on otherwise. Let's look at some examples of what I found out there for "hip" facewear......

OK, now let's look at some alternative facewear that I came across.........

OK, now here would be the epitome of total bad-ass hardcore Ol' Skool kool - find yourself a vintage flameproof Top Fuel dragster pilot's facemask. Look how well it fits under your helmet and goggles! Total class, total coverage.
Check this out - while you're riding from Destination Daytona to Main St., your FLSTBFF engine that the Dealership guy that runs the dyno told you is putting 200 HP to the rear wheel blows, and takes your gas tanks out. That 3 day growth of beard you've carefully cultivated for the event is totally protected, and you've got a hellova good road story to tell when you get to the beer garden. The downside is you can't smoke that stogie while you're riding. Oh well.
Check this out - while you're riding from Destination Daytona to Main St., your FLSTBFF engine that the Dealership guy that runs the dyno told you is putting 200 HP to the rear wheel blows, and takes your gas tanks out. That 3 day growth of beard you've carefully cultivated for the event is totally protected, and you've got a hellova good road story to tell when you get to the beer garden. The downside is you can't smoke that stogie while you're riding. Oh well.
I hope some of these examples have got your ol' creative juices flowing. Why wear a boring bandanna, or a trite skull or clown face - when you can combine utilitarian usefulness, and total road cred class with just a little thinking and a lot of time on Ebay. Fuck the J&P catalog, who knows what other alternatives you can come up with.....
Haha "if you need to split some wood with your face", first time I saw these I thought/hoped it was a goof....
You're killin' me!I hope to see ya tomorrow Rich!
Bandannas are fer yer head or to blow yer nose!
HAHAHAHA that is some good shit!
What an imaginative post! Gave me a much needed injection of humor today! Thanks
One time and it was freezing and raining hard, never again.. cause umm well that's what a full face helmet is for.. God, we see em here all the time and it's 80 degrees out.. another trend I can't wait till it is gone..
Don't know if it's politically correct to giggle but I just did.
hahahah you guessed the destination daytona to main st. too perfect. i've been working biketoberfest at boot hill all week and i swear these motherfuckers have to be dying under these things when it's 85 degrees outside... the same guys are wearing leather chaps and affliction shirts with brand new boots and bikes... barf
I don't know - wore a 3/4 without any coverage until two pebbles and a horde of green flies thought my face was a lovely place to embed themselves - wear a bandana on my face cause it makes the pain a little more bearable (they hit my face and roll of instead of diver-downing in my skin)- since I look like the Dirtbike kid with some serious swelling, looking cool wasn't ever much of an option, but it ain't a trend if you think its necessary to your face and with the way these northeatern routes aren't being resurfaced,my face thanks me for it...
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