Indian Larry's resting place. What better vessel for Larry than a Panhead jug, with the dishpan fully engraved by CJ Allan. This shot comes from inside the IL shop, during the Indian Larry Memorial, held in Sept. of 2004.

Close-up detail shot of the top and side of the dishpan with CJ's engraving. I'm sorry, but I can't remember who actually constructed the urn. Could someone tell me, please?

David Mann's urn. Designed and painted by Krylon John in "David Mann Red" - the paint coming from the exact same can of paint John used to repaint Mann's bike in 1997. The urn itself was constructed by Kenny Morris - Hot Rods & Hogs, Stanton, CA.

David Mann back home at he and Jacquie Mann's house in KC, MO.

Randy Smith's most fitting final resting place - a set of cherry Harley factory WR racing tanks. I forgot I had these photos. I found them on an old disc, when I was going through stuff after my computer crash. I have no idea who sent these to me, or when, I'm sorry. I have no info on who constructed or painted it.

As you can see, Randy rests in the L/H side of the tanks, and Lisha, his wife, will eventually join him on the R/H side.