"All machine operators are required to watch what the fuck they are doing at all times. Loss of limbs are grounds for immediate dismissal." "Hey Lloyd, go change the belt on Lathe #23....."

At this time, most machine shops were steam-powered. A steam engine would power the massive shafts running down the center of the roofs you see in the photos. And, as you see, leather or heavy woven cloth belts ran from those upper shaft pulleys to power the machinery itself.
Usually, all the lathes were in one row, all the milling machines in another, all the drill presses in another - all powered from those elevated driveshafts via belts. Dangerous? Fuck yeah, it was dangerous. But, this was also a time where people were a little sharper than they are today. I know people today who can't operate a cordless screwdriver without seriously injuring themselves.
Henery Ford had a standing rule in his machine shop and assembly line, that anybody who stopped work to extract a fellow employee from the machinery was to be fired on the spot. Ford had "special people" whose only job was to remove guys from the assembly line and machines they got caught in. Think about that next time you head off to work......
I can smell the burnt leather and feel the oil mist in the air. Machine shops have a smell all their own. I would love to go back in time to see that.
overly enjoyed those photos, and this update overall. hell yeah.
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