......from chicken shit". An old Ryan Family saying.
Take one 3" dia. 16ga. 90 degree mandrel exhaust bend, one 3" dia. 10ga. fence top sphere, and an old merge pipe. Cut the fence top sphere in half, scalp the top of it off, cut the 90 degree bend off appropriately, add in the merge pipe....
...add in a little ER70-s for flavor, and voila! We have a 2 into 1 collector for my CFL project.
It's 14" long on the "muffler" section, although I doubt it'll muffle anything. Now, if Paughco will just ship my Shovelhead BYOP pipe kit, we can finish this exhaust system. I think the whole motorcycle parts world is on backorder........
I get talent envy everytime you perpetrate something like this, proving, yet again, you can polish a turd. Lovely.
Have you tried www.SpeedwayMotors.com for cheep mandrel U bends. They have them in stainless also.
I've bought bends and components from Speedway, JEGS, Summit, Cone Eng., Magnum Force, Burns, AFS, and Columbia River. All good sources for tubing and nice mandral bends. The 3" bend I sourced from Thrush, because everybody else's bends were alumi-coated in that size, and that stuff doesn't weld for shit, you never get it clean enough.
But, I'm a dealer for Paughco, and with the dealer cost and shipping on the BYOP kits, I can't afford not to buy them for a lot of my exhaust projects. I get the tubing, flanges, sleeves, T bolt slider brackets, and both the single bolt and the STD 3 bolt exhaust flanges.
Otherwise, I have to buy a couple bends here, a couple there because because either the place is out of stock, or they don't make the right degree bend I need. When you add in the shipping from several sources, it gets pretty expensive to build exhaust that way.
The Paughco Shovel kit comes with two each of long tail 75, and 160 degree bends that I'll need for the front and rear pipes, and those 75 and 160 degree bends aren't easy to find in a long length.
Wow. I guess I should have known better. Was just trying to help. Thanks for the info Sir.
Nah, I aopreciate the fact that you offered up a source for bends that might have sped things up. Somebody reading the blog comments has maybe a new source for mandral bends.
I also appreciate that you think enough of this blog to come here and read it, given the thousands of blogs that are out there to read. Thank you, as well.
Mate, this blog, out of all of them, is a little like going to the fountainhead for our age, I never come away without having gleened more than I came with.
I dig the blog and have much respect for the guys who have been building before me. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience
Rich, That is Slick!
A friend of mine here in the South bay use to build collector exhausts.
He'd use a Cherry Bomb glass pack muffler and add a turn out to them.
The later ones (for cone motors), he just added them to a collector header off a late 70's Super-Glide, but that was when there were plenty around.
We used to take the Purple Hornies header mufflers and cut them down, and pull out the glass pack.They already had the turnout on them.
I know you know what direction I'm going with on this exhaust system.....
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