This was 9:00am when I went out to clean off the truck, and shovel 2 ft. of snow out of the driveway. Roads are very clear for the most part, and they've plowed my street. I got smokes and coffee, so I'm set!
That's fine, tomorrow is supposed to be a high of 35, 50 on Sunday, and 59 by Tuesday. My mail orders may be a little "delayed".
That's fine, tomorrow is supposed to be a high of 35, 50 on Sunday, and 59 by Tuesday. My mail orders may be a little "delayed".

Yeah, it seems like more snow than all last winter. Thanks for looking at my frame the other day. Good to meet you and shoot the shit. Looks like you get to build a swingarm bike, nice.
Holy Shit Rich! I heard you guys got snow but Gawd DAYUM!
I was in Denver last week for a cable show at the convention center. Never been to Denver - went to 2 Wheelers and some dude there said he knows you and you build some real nice motorcycles. Planned on callin' you for maybe a tour. I know a hot chic in Boulder too - but, then the snow hit. Holy shit - barely made it out of there Fri AM - always next time. -Noot
Noot, yeah I wish I'd have know you were in town. Would have been interesting to sit around and shoot the shit. Next time for sure.
Gawd Dayam is right. I got the local Broomfield paper today, and it said we got 24" of snow in approx. 24 hours.
It's 90% gone as of today, the high was 56 degrees. Like THE HATER says "You guys have psycho weather...".
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