Zach's sissy bar is pretty much finished - save for the mounting lugs for his fender. Part-timer Steve thought we should give it a little bend at the top, and I agreed. I also added a 1/2 turn twist to the crossbrace before I welded that in. Maybe people will notice it, maybe not. I think Zach'll be happy with the results.

Like I've said, I don't use jigs, don't use outlines drawn on the shop floor, welding rod patterns, etc - just a centerline mark before I bend the material in half, and I use a few well-placed measurements and soapstone marks to get my bends in the legs to fit the fender and frame dimensions after that. Plus, a few tricks I've passed on to Steve about bending and forming sissy bars, but he still can't snatch the pebbles from my hand - "Hit me with the broom, Grasshopper......". His time will come.
I think it turned out great Rich. Beautiful work.
bad ass!
Why you son of a ........ Fuck the broom, give me a wrench.
I got to see this in person!Absolute perfection!
Good job Rich and Steve!
JW in MN
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