Seriously, if you ever thought about learning engraving, CJ would be the guy you should contact. He'll give you the basics you'll need, plus some of his hard-earned "tricks", and steer you in the right direction as far as the equipment you'll need. Contact info is above.

In the mean time, here's some really early work from CJ, done for Pat Leahy. I'll have to give Pat a call, and find out if he still has this cam case cover. I bet he does.
Man, I wish I knew earlier that CJ lived so close to me where I grew up. my farm is only 15 miles from Hazel, KY.
So did you ever find Part Timer Steve or is he still MIA? I sent him a email a few weeks back and haven't heard from him.
Yeah, Mark, he was back a couple days ago, he was in here today. He told me today he got your Email, and was gonna reply.
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