I've known CJ Allan ( and it's Allan with an "a", not an "e") for a long time. You spell his name wrong, and you'll really get on his good side right away, let me tell you. CJ is fond of saying "New time, new day, new deal. It'll never be the same". And, he's right. CJ comes from a time long past. A life-long member and former President of the Hessians M/C, CJ is one that's lived the life, and has truly paid all of his dues in full.
While CJ has been as "serious" as any person could be, there's another side of CJ that some people don't see. He likes to tell you "To know me is to love me", and that's true. Because, under that gruff exterior is, well.....a gruff interior! Nah, I'm just kidding (?). CJ has a heart as big as all get out, but don't spread that around. If you're his Brother, or his friend, there isn't anything he wouldn't do for you, and I love the guy dearly.
While CJ has been as "serious" as any person could be, there's another side of CJ that some people don't see. He likes to tell you "To know me is to love me", and that's true. Because, under that gruff exterior is, well.....a gruff interior! Nah, I'm just kidding (?). CJ has a heart as big as all get out, but don't spread that around. If you're his Brother, or his friend, there isn't anything he wouldn't do for you, and I love the guy dearly.

I thought it would be fun to get in the Wayback Machine, and take a look at a small sampling of what CJ has done over the years that made it into print. I've had these photos scanned into my computer for quite a while, and I had a little time this afternoon to put it all together. I hope you enjoy it....

CJ told me that after the shoot was over with at LBS, they wanted to get some road shots, so they took off down the PCH at about 100 mph, with Chris Bunch riding backwards on Tom Burke's (B&O Cycles) Honda 4 cylinder chop, with his feet hooked around the passenger pegs, shooting film. CJ says he's never seen those shots, though. That must have been quite the spectacle....

CJ's Creative Cycle Eng. was located just down the street from Bob Olson's shop, EME (CJ's father-in-law), and right around the corner from Perry Sand's fledgling Performance Machine, and Nez's Phase 3 operation, all located at the time in Paramount, CA. and all close friends of CJ's.
Lots of stuff going on here. Pat Leahy and CJ punched the mill out to 86 cu. in., added a Sifton 450 cam, with 2 1/8" intake, and 1 3/4" exhaust valves. Carburetor was a Weber DCOE, and it was fired by a Bomar-built magneto. All this was transferred to the Leahy-built trans via a Phase 3 beltdrive and clutch that had a 4lb. clutch lever pull, but CJ ran his with a foot clutch and jockey shifter.
The other unusual aspect of this motor was the fact that CJ experimented with running "dry heads" on this engine. He blocked off the oilers to the heads, pruned out the rocker covers, and experimented with different alloys for the guides and seats to be self-lubricating. CJ was able to get a couple thousand miles out of these combinations, but it was just an experiment, and eventually he went back to the old oiling system again.
CJ did all the painting, pinstriping (in lacquer), and the gold leafing on this bike. Below Hessians are the letters M.C.O.C., which stand for Mother Chapter Orange County, pre-dating SAMCRO by 30 years.
This photo of CJ putting the final touches on some flames in the headpiece of one of his famous engraved Mag Lites. They're aren't too many of those big bodied Mag Lites out there with CJ's work on them. If you have one, consider yourself lucky. From an article in the April '90 issue of Easyriders magazine.
Not exactly American Gothic, but close enough! CJ, Robin, and his little daughter Jzena, at his spread in Devore, CA. These photos come from an article in the May '92 issue of Supercycle. If you look in the lower left, you'll see CJ still had the Knuckle, but it was supercharged by then, and sported a rear belt drive. CJ has promised me he'll send me the full photos of that version of his Knuck. CJ is seated on his main ride at the time - his Pat Leahy-built Shovel.
A a not-often seen photo of his oil tank engraving on the same bike. Did you know that CJ and Vern Heinrich were the originators of these iconic spun aluminum oil tanks?
CJ's '81 FX as it looked in the April '97 issue of Easyriders. This time around, it was wearing a Damons paintjob. I'll bet you won't remember who did the feature article on it, do you? It was done by Flynch, during his stint with EZ. I'll guess a lot of you thought Flynch just wrote for Iron Horse, huh?

The other unusual aspect of this motor was the fact that CJ experimented with running "dry heads" on this engine. He blocked off the oilers to the heads, pruned out the rocker covers, and experimented with different alloys for the guides and seats to be self-lubricating. CJ was able to get a couple thousand miles out of these combinations, but it was just an experiment, and eventually he went back to the old oiling system again.
Pat Leahy has been the only person to ever work on CJ's engines and transmissions, and still does. And, speaking of Weber carbs on Harleys, here's an interesting sidenote. Not many people know that Pat Leahy and Dean Moon were good friends. It was Pat and Dean that worked together on finding the right combination of venturies and complex fuel metering circuits to allow the big two throat Webers to run successfully on Harleys. And, it was their friend Jerry Magnuson who cast up the Big Twin and Sporty manifolds for them.

Jzena is married now, and has a daughter of her own, and another on the way. Man, how time flies. And, how many girls are there that will tell you that her Godfather was "Slave Lewie" Roseberry? Jzena can.

Rich, that was one helluva history lesson!!!! Some really cool shots and info..priceless, Roadside
very cool. thanks for sharing rich!
Rich, Set the wayback machine Mr. Peabody. Chris Bunch, Tom Burke, Pat Leahy, CJ. Early 70's, Long Beach, those were the days my friend. Through in Mouse, and a few more. Talk about being alive. Good work! Down the road, Rich
Great post Rich.
Very cool post, Rich, you got anything else like that? Thanks
Yeah, Barry, just go back through my old blog posts, you'll find all kinds of stories like this.
awesome stuff
Thanks Rich! Great stuff - as usual.
very cool Rich, I'm very interested in the history / better pictures of "Barney's slimline sliders" as I've seen em on bikepics occasionally, and to what's the history / availablity of 'em?
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