Easyriders magazine has their "Best Bikes Of 2009" survey going on right now. Basically, it's a "cattle call" of all the bikes that were featured in all the Paisano publications. My FXTT was featured in the March '09 issue of EZ, so it's eligible. If you could take a few minutes to vote, I'd appreciate it. It's # 11 on the list. Here's the link for the ballot: http://www.paisanopub.com/survey/index.cfm?cp=5 You can vote for five bikes total, so while you're at it, I know that these people would be well deserving as well: # 7 Kirk & Lisa Taylor # 42 Superco Trevelen # 140 Bill Holland # 154 Brad Barnes
Irish Rich is the owner of Shamrock Fabrication/Irish Rich Custom Cycles, a "no frills" custom motorcycle and fabrication shop. Rich has been involved with custom motorcycles and hot rods for over 44 years, and is a member of the Sinners, out of Southern California. Rich and his motorcycles have appeared in Street Chopper, DicE Magazine, The Horse, Easyriders, IronWorks, S&S Performance Times, Bigtwin, Show Class Magazine, Jesse James' documentary "The History Of The Chopper", One World Studios' "The Harbortown Bobber", and Joyrides Art Co.-"The Photography of Mark Kawakami". He also currently writes, and has written tech articles and feature stories for most of the custom motorcycle publications, and wrote an ongoing column for the first 16 issues of Greasy Kulture Magazine.
Done, and #167 is my 39 Knuck
I voted :)
u got my vote.
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