Monday, February 2, 2009

The Harbortown Bobber........

Scott, half of the Zach and Scott of One World Studios (Choppertown, BrittTown) did pretty well at the Grand National Roadster Show, recently held in Pomona. Scott took a 2nd Place trophy in his class with his Harbortown Bobber Triumph. And look, I got showcard credit on the GNRS sign, and Part-Timer Steve and I even got a picture on the card too!

Zach and Scott filmed the build-up from start to finish, also incorporating a cross-country adventure of the work into the mix to boot. It'll all be chronicled their next film called (Duh!) The Harbortown Bobber, due out pretty soon as I understand it. It'll have some interesting scenes in it, and you'll get to see some people you wouldn't normally see - like Dennis Goodson (and his shop), for one. Even Part-timer Steve and I have some footage in it as well.

I haven't seen it yet, but I'll let you know when they release it.

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